
Kazaguruma Demo

No nuclear worldwide!

Kazaguruma Demo 2016 - FUKUSHIMA and CHERNOBYL urge Nuclear Phase-Out Worldwide!

March 19, 2016 13:00
Potsdamer Platz, Berlin

Sayonara Nukes Berlin, Anti-Atom-Berlin and NaturFreunde will hold an anti-nuclear public rally “Kazaguruma Demo” on March 19, 2016. We will march through the city center of Berlin holding Kazaguruma (pinwheel in Japanese) to mark 5th anniversary of Fukushima and 30th anniversary of Chernobyl and to call for a nuclear-free future.We forget easily what we can’t see. But the invisible radiation continues threatening our planet and lives. Leaving a negative legacy of unsolved nuclear waste for future generations is no longer ethically permitted. Nuclear energy and human beings cannot co-exist as Chernobyl and Fukushima testified. The energy transition in Germany is not enough to solve global issues. Until all nuclear reactors are decommissioned and uranium mining is stopped worldwide, we will be faced with danger. If you feel that nuclear energy isn’t necessary, say it out loud! You might think your voice won’t be heard, but all our voices together can make a difference.Please join us!

Kazaguruma (pinwheels) will be distributed during the opening of the demo on 19.03.


Kazaguruma demo route map 2016

Potsdamer Platz - Friedrichstr - Brandenburger Torinsert map

Please invite your friends!

2015 Kazaguruma Demo documentary film

2015 Demo Dokumentarfilm (Youtube)

Protestival 2016 : Nuclear, Democracy and Beyond

Protestival 2016 PV Version D (Youtube)

2014 Kazaguruma Demo (PressTV)

Kazaguruma Demo(Youtube)
