Fukushima warns: Nuclear phaseout worldwide! |
Kazaguruma Demo: Eight years from FUKUSHIMA
March 9, 2019 at 13:00
Meeting point: Brandenburger Tor (Pariser Platz) Berlin
A series of one of most severe nuclear accidents worldwide followed a strong earthquake and tsuhami on 11 March 2011. The Fukushima Nuclear Accident shows clearly that even highly industrialized countries cannot ensure safe nuclear plants. Nuclear disasters like this could recur at anytime, as long as nuclear plants are being operated.
Worldwide 446 reactors in nuclear power plants were still operating in 2018. Every reactor produces 20 to 30 tons of highly radioactive nuclear waste per year. And no operational final storage facilities are there to host the waste long term.
No consistent nuclear phaseout has been resolved in Germany. 7 nuclear power plants are still operating in Germany. Influential economic lobbies are calling for extending their life. At the same time three research reactor and the uranium enrichment facility Gronau and the fuel elements factory Lingen are completely excluded from the so-called nuclear phaseout.
Until 2022 15,000 tons of highly radioactive nuclear waste will be accordingly piled up in Germany. Approximately 8000 generations of human beings have been alive and less than three generations have created the giant amount of atomic waste, which has to be kept away from the biosphere for 33,000 generations.
The nuclear lobby is misusing the concern over climate change in order to represent their irresponsible business as a “climate saving” strategy. Nevertheless plenty of CO2 is produced throughout the nuclear chain beginning from uranium mining to generation of nuclear power for electricity and weapons up to “storing” of nuclear waste, not to mention that the reducing of CO2 and nuclear risks cannot be set off against one another. This is why it is important to recall: Only the rapid shift to renewable energies and consequent energy saving could mitigate climate change.
The nuclear technology threatens to make our planet Earth uninhabitable in several ways: • Constructing nuclear weapons and other radiological dispersal devices, • Polluting radioactive emissions from nuclear facilities in “normal operation”, • Increasing the risks of nuclear meltdown like in Chernobyl and in Fukushima, which could happen again, • and finally by unforeseeable leakage of nuclear waste.
We therefore call for:
Kazagurumademo Facebook page
Demo route
Kazaguruma (pinwheels) workshop with coffee and cakes
Sat. 23.02.2019, 13:00-17:00
Interkulturelles Haus Schöneberg, Geßlerstr. 11 20829
(google map)
Free entrance!!
How is to make pinwheels with caffee and cakes? We will make a lot of pinwheels, which we distribute at the demo for eight years of FUKUSHIMA at 09.03.2019. Families with chidren are welcome.
It would be great if you bring your tools like scissors and pliers to cut or bend the wire. All other necessary materials are prepared by us.
Kazaguruma workshop Facebook page
Host: Sayonara Nukes Berlin
Register: sayonara-nukes-berlin _at_ posteo.de
Past event related videos
Protestival 2016 : Nuclear, Democracy and Beyond

Kazaguruma Demo 2015 documentary film