10 years after FUKUSHIMA - Nuclear Power Is Not A Climate Saver! |
Kazaguruma Demo - 10th Anniversary of FUKUSHIMA
Start at 12pm on Saturday, 6th March 2021
Meeting point: Brandenburger Tor (Parizer Platz), Berlin
10 years after FUKUSHIMA, but nothing has changed. We need no more nuclear power!
11th March 2021 will mark the 10th anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. No matter how hard the Japanese Government and IAEA try to patch up and underestimate the worst disaster, the facts tell us the real story: The affected homeland will never be the same again. Hundreds of thousands of people are still unable to return to their homes. The damaged nuclear power plant continues to diffuse radiation throughout the environment. The Japanese Government is even thinking about dumping the radioactive water into the ocean as the Fukushima nuclear power plant is, apparently, running out of space for storage.
The situation is far from being “under control”. Fukushima still faces great of danger. However, apart from the reality, pro-nuclear lobbyists promote this dangerous dark nuclear business advocating that climate neutrality cannot be reached without nuclear energy. Quite a number of countries still rely on nuclear power generation. In some countries, there are even plans to build more new nuclear power plants or to extend the lifetime of aged nuclear power plants.
This is ridiculously wrong. We must stand up and fix it! Not only that, nuclear power is never an option to solve climate change, but also is the catastrophic threat to humanity. It’s been 10 years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster but our further efforts are required to push the clean energy revolution forward. Our economy should be free from the power by nuclear and fossil fuels and shift to 100% renewable energy. We will not let the nuclear waste be produced any longer!
Nuclear power is a false solution to climate change!
Contamination threat: Nuclear industries leave hazardous radioactive waste behind almost permanently and they will continue to be the great threat to humanity and to the environment.
Too dangerous: Nuclear energy always goes hand in hand with risk of serious accidents as we witnessed in Fukushima. Long term impacts to humans and to the environment are unavoidable once an accident has occurred. Nuclear technology also increases the ability of nations to manufacture nuclear weapons.
Madly expensive: Nuclear energy is eventually the most expensive way to generate electricity. It cannot survive without pouring governmental funds.
We are therefore calling for
:• Operations of all nuclear power plants in the world should be stopped, especially in Germany, Gronau uranium enrichment plant and Lingen nuclear fuel plant.
• EURATOM and other institutions that promote nuclear technology should be dissolved.
• Sufficient subsidies should be allocated to the research efforts for renewable energy and radioactive waste management made by the independent civil society organizations.
• Germany and Japan should sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Kazagurumademo Facebook page
Demo route (TBD)
Past event related videos
Protestival 2016 : Nuclear, Democracy and Beyond

Kazaguruma Demo 2015 documentary film

Kazaguruma Demo 2014 (PressTV)