The 11th anniversary of FUKUSHIMA Nuclear power will NOT save our climate! |
Kazaguruma Demo - 11th Anniversary of FUKUSHIMA
Start at 12pm on Saturday, 5th March 2022
Meeting point: Brandenburger Tor (Parizer Platz), Berlin
11 years after FUKUSHIMA
We are very concerned. Despite the recent decision to replace nuclear and coal-fired energy with renewable energy, more than a few member states of the EU are claiming that nuclear power serves as a measure against climate change.
Over 10 EU governments have announced that they will expand their nuclear energy. The new Japanese government has also announced its intention to promote the development and construction of small nuclear power plants (SMR). These are unacceptable developments.
We cannot turn a blind eye to the daily radioactive contamination caused by the normal operation of nuclear power plants. The problem of the final disposal of vast amounts of radioactive waste also remains. This is still an unsolved problem, not only in Germany but anywhere in the world. Such claims that nuclear power does not harm the environment must not be accepted. A single accident at a nuclear power plant causes irreparable, unimaginable damage to the environment, animals, and people. We should have learned that from Chernobyl and Fukushima.
Last April, 10 years after the accident of Fukushima Daiichi, the Japanese government approved a plan to discharge radioactively contaminated water stored since the accident into the Pacific Ocean. This water, which the operating company Tepco claims to have purified of all radioactive elements still contains primarily tritium and contaminates the environment. The water has not yet been discharged due to strong opposition from residents and fishermen, as well as the international community.
We demand the end to nuclear energy. We want to build a nuclear-free future: Nuclear power will NOT save our climate.
Together we demand:
- Global end to irresponsible nuclear energy
- Immediate shutdown of nuclear facilities at Lingen and Gronau
- No classification of nuclear power as sustainable energy production Cancelation of the EURATOM treaty
- No discharge of radioactive water into the ocean
Kazagurumademo Facebook page
Past event related videos
Protestival 2016 : Nuclear, Democracy and Beyond

Kazaguruma Demo 2015 documentary film

Kazaguruma Demo 2014 (PressTV)