Kazaguruma-Demo for the 12th Anniversary of FUKUSHIMA: No more radiating danger - neither from nuclear power plants nor from nuclear bombs |
Kazaguruma Demo - 12th Anniversary of FUKUSHIMA
Start at 12pm on Saturday, 11th March 2023
Meeting point: Brandenburger Tor (Parizer Platz), Berlin
Kazaguruma-Demo for the 12th Anniversary of FUKUSHIMA: No more radiating danger - neither from nuclear power plants nor from nuclear bombs
Who would have thought that the German nuclear phase-out would be postponed shortly before the complete shutdown of the remaining reactors, of all things by the government in which the Greens are involved! Suddenly, the mood is being created everywhere as if the continued operation of nuclear power plants were the solution to the energy crisis. Yet nuclear power France in particular - where more than half of the nuclear power plants recently shut down - clearly shows that nuclear energy cannot be relied upon. Strangely enough, the debate tends to forget the safety risks posed by nuclear power plants and why the decision was made to phase out nuclear power in Germany after the Fukushima nuclear accident.
All three German nuclear power plants are to be now running in stretch-out operation mode until mid-April 2023. While proponents claim that nuclear energy would make them energy-independent, they like to ignore the fact that EU states process uranium from Russia for the fuel rods. The nuclear lobby has managed to get the nuclear sector spared from EU sanctions.
The Russian attack on Ukraine has made it abundantly clear that the nuclear threat was always highly topical. Many people who previously professed disarmament suddenly emphasize the importance of nuclear sharing, of deterrence.
The Ukraine war also made it clear: nuclear power plants become targets in wars. The largest nuclear power plant in Europe, Zaporizhzhya, was repeatedly under attack and is often powered by emergency diesel generators. Should the power supply be interrupted, there is a risk of a new accident like in Fukushima.
Chain reactions and radioactive rays know no boundaries between friends and foes. They also make no difference whether the same technology is used for military or civilian purposes. The only safe and climate-just solution is to develop green energy as quickly and consistently as possible throughout the world.
Therefore, we demand together:
- No further nuclear power plant lifetime extensions in Germany
- a worldwide phase-out of irresponsible nuclear energy
- immediate decommissioning of the nuclear plants in Lingen and Gronau
- no classification of nuclear energy as sustainable energy production/deletion of nuclear from the EU taxonomy
- Cancel EURATOM treaty
- No discharge of radioactive water into the sea, whether in Fukushima or elsewhere!
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Past event related videos
Protestival 2016 : Nuclear, Democracy and Beyond

Kazaguruma Demo 2015 documentary film

Kazaguruma Demo 2014 (PressTV)